OMEF exists to support students and help them do their best.
Oregon’s DO, MD, and PA students are among our most precious resources,
and we believe that there is no better investment than in them, the
future of medicine. OMEF is the only organization focused solely
on supporting the next generation of healthcare providers and leaders,
and we can't do it alone.
With a focus on students from communities historically
underrepresented in medicine (URiM), OMEF supports current medical
students in good academic standing in any of the following programs:
- College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific NW (DO students)
- George Fox Physician Assistant Program (PA students)
- OHSU School of Medicine (MD students, including those pursuing dual degree MD/PhD or MD/MPH)
- OHSU Physician Assistant Program (PA students)
- Pacific University Physician Assistant Program (PA students)
Over 40% of students pursuing a medical education are food-insecure. They are struggling to afford enough healthy food, which makes everything feel harder.
In Oregon, 2/3 of students never find a mentor, roughly 1,000 students. Unsurprisingly the rates are higher among female and BIPOC students.
The cost of a medical education has outpaced inflation,
doubling every 9 years. Presently the average medical school debt is
$300k. This level of debt not only causes tremendous stress, it
influences which area of medicine they decide to practice. More and
more, students are making career choices based on finances, not where
the greatest need is.
To combat systemic inequities, initiatives aimed at increasing diversity and improving cultural competency within the profession must be a priority.
Creative solutions - and different incentives - are needed.